About us
The Strength Clinic was founded in 2016 and is a concept of health, performance and longevity that aims to improve the functional capacity of any individual. We propose a functional, integrated holistic solution for longevity based on physical training, nutrition and lifestyle. Our training system is grounded on the classical concept of physical culture and on the evolutionary framework of human motricity. We believe that anyone (regardless of fitness level or medical condition) can be integrated in a progressive developmental process of their capabilities.
Hence, The Strength Clinic project emerges as the first of its kind in Portugal. Our services include specific assessments (movement and mobility evaluation, metabolic evaluation, functional capacity and performance evaluation), private and semi-private training programs, supervised training programs in small groups (small group training), online coaching programs, special population training programs, performance and longevity consultations, physical therapy, osteopathy, nutrition, as well as education in training, nutrition and other health related fields.
What make us unique?
1. We are not a conventional gym, we are a training and longevity center that aims to optimize the health and performance of each individual;
2. Our priority is with posture, with movement quality and with body function improvement, it is not the amount of movement (i.e., duration of activities and/or number of repetitions), nor uncontrolled overload (i.e., lifting weights with bad form);
3. We do not have “group classes”, we build training programs with different objectives and in various formats: private training, semi-private training, small group training, semi-distance training and online coaching;
4. We design training programs aimed at the continuous development of individuals;
5. Our exercise selection is based on safety, effectiveness and not on its spectacularism. Here we favor the art of coaching and exercise execution;
6. We have our own training system and methodology. We don’t do random training;
7. Our training is always supervised by highly qualified coaches with long years of experience. We pay attention to details;
8. We work with several specialized professionals from different areas (nutrition, physiotherapy, osteopathy, medicine, psychology, sports coaches) to help people solve their health problems and athletes to optimize their sports performance;
9. We are committed to education, quality and people’s results;
10. Our commitment is not to temporary results, but with long-life results.
To start a global epidemic of health, strength and longevity. We believe that the life of a human being may be similar to the life of a lamp shining bright until the last second!
To educate anyone wanting to improve their quality of life / performance and to acquire skills to maximize their genetic potential through an integrative and personalised approach to health and physical training.
We will do what we believe it is right.
Continuous learning is an essential part of our culture and lifestyle.
Permanent refinement and upgrade of our methods is essential for us.
We do what we preach.
We will not be satisfied with anything that is below excellent or optimal.
Because our students and our team are the most important pieces of the puzzle, we will listen and work with them as well as with any other specialised professionals.
We will inspire our students and our team members to become better every day.
Without empathy there is no comprehension. Without results there is no trust.
Living life with passion, enthusiasm, smiling and with a positive mindset.
Adversities / obstacles will make us stronger and more resistant.
Anyone who knows her knows that taking care of her diet has always guided her steps.
Why Strength training?
Within physical exercise, strength training (alongside with aerobic and flexibility training) has been consistently and more recurrently recommended by several reputed international organisations, such as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Association for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACPR), for its direct benefits on people’s health. Presently, it’s well supported in the scientific literature that strength training reduces risk factors for various diseases and can improve quality of life by increasing the individual’s functional capacity as well as performance in activities of daily living (ADL).
Regarding health, we know that strength training promotes the following direct benefits: 1) increases in strength, power and strength endurance; 2) increase in lean mass and reduction of fat mass: 3) increase of the basal metabolic rate; 4) decrease in blood pressure; 5) improvement of lipid profile (increase in HDL, decrease in LDL and triglycerides levels); 6) increase in glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity; 7) decrease in risk for sarcopenia; 8) increase in bone mineral density and reduction of the risk for osteoporosis; 9) increase in tendon and ligaments’ strength; 10) improvement in flexibility; 11) increase in cardiorespiratory capacity; 12) prevention and better management of low back pain; 13) improvements in balance, coordination and long-term functional autonomy; 14) reduction of the risk of falling; 15) improvement of psychological well-being and self-confidence. In addition to the aforementioned direct benefits, there’s evidence indicating a consistent and strong correlation between increases in strength and muscle mass with increased longevity.
However, the critical component of strength training is the program design and its individualisation. A functional strength development program shall be conducted by professionals with both empirical and scientific knowledge, since the induction of the adaptations desired with training will depend on the ability to manipulate and optimally integrate various components and training variables (e.g. muscle actions used, selection and sequence of exercises, intensity, volume, rest periods, speed at which a lift is performed, and frequency). It is precisely on this issue (i.e. the methodology to implement for functional strength development) that The Strength Clinic stands out with special significance, since the training variables mentioned above tend to be poorly considered (or even ignored) in “training programs” offered by most gyms / wellness clinics, which often results in stagnation.
In summary, the benefits of strength training are way beyond improvements in sports performance. We believe that strength training constitutes a complementary therapeutic tool that ought to be included in any intervention that aims to improve physical, emotional and social well-being, as well as to prevent and treat diseases. In our opinion, and considering the reality that surrounds us, strength training should not be considered as merely accessory but rather as a fundamental therapeutic intervention that should be incorporated in the National Healthcare System.
Did you know that…
- Lack of Physical Exercise causes chronic diseases?
- Chronic Disease kills 38 million people each year, from which 82% are caused by cardiovascular diseases, cancers, respiratory diseases and diabetes?
- Physical Inactivity has been identified as the 4th main risk factor for global mortality?
- Cardiovascular Disease causes more than 17 million deaths each year?
- Cancer kills more than 8 million people each year?
- Diabetes causes 1.5 million deaths each year?
- Obesity causes 2.8 million deaths each year, which constitutes around 5% of all deaths worldwide?
- Falls are the main cause of accidental death after 65 year of age?
- The prevalence of Chronic Pain in the world is estimated in 30%?
- Osteoporosis affects an estimated figure of 200 million people worldwide and causes more than 8.9 million bone fractures each year?
- The prevalence of Sarcopenia in individuals between 60 and 70 years old reported to be 5 to 13%, and 11 to 50% in those 80 years of age?
- After 30 years of age, adults lose 3-8% of Muscle Mass each decade?
- Muscle Mass is inversely associated with the risk of mortality in older adults, independently of fat mass and other cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors?
- Grip Strength is a stronger predictor of mortality than blood pressure?
- Strength Training can decelerate or even reverse aging related genetic features?